
Below are organizations and websites that offer resources to address problem gambling.

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Start The Talk

Do you struggle to find the words to talk about gambling? Check out our guide on how to start the conversation.


The National Problem Gambling Helpline is operated by the National Council on Problem Gambling. The helpline serves all 50 states and offers call, text, and chat services 24/7/365.

National Council On Problem Gambling

GA Logo

Gamblers Anonymous

A fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other so that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from a gambling problem.


A self-help organization for spouses, family, or friends of problem gamblers.


A moderated peer support forum for those struggling with gambling.

Virginia Council on Problem Gambling

Advice For Friends And Family



Our printable resources are helpful for classrooms and other venues where information can be shared.